I just read an article in the New York Times about NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month, the project in which thousands attempt to write a 50,000 word novel in just 30 days. It starts tomorrow (November 1st) and runs through the end of the month. I’d never considered participating before but 1,667 words per day x 30 days = HOT BAM! you’ve made a BOOK.
I was born in Ann Arbor.
I was born in Ann Arbor. My Texan momma assures me the winters there were bitterly cold, but my only memory of Michigan is of a lake in the summer. Sitting on a blanket on the beach, I was startled by a daddy-long-legs. My father gently picked it up and held it out to me, telling me not to be afraid. I could see how tame the spider was, crawling up and down his arm, and so I asked to hold it too. My husband told me years ago that daddy-long-legs are the most poisonous of spiders, but their jaws are simply too weak or too small to pierce human flesh. I’ve never verified that fact, but I like to think of it whenever I see one.
December 2018

November 2018