When I showed up to my interview last October, my boss was seated in the window of a coffee shop wearing Bean boots and a sweater emblazoned with a black lab. She couldn’t have looked more MAINE if she tried. We talked for an hour; she told me about the job and I told her about myself, and by the end of the interview I knew I wanted to work for her.
being a dog walker
Fossegrim…? (Alphabitch, Day 6)
Today is Tuesday. YES! Of course. It’s also Election Day, and I’m hoping to head to the polls tonight with my husband and daughter (don’t worry, I will). I’ve already received two texts from the current mayor asking what time I’m going and urging me not to forget (I won’t). I checked the hours and I’ve got till 8PM (please stop texting). SO I’D BETTER WRITE QUICK.
Sharing is Self-Caring (Alphabitch, Day 5)
I’m not gonna lie. Yesterday’s post really drained me.
The Illusion of Control (Alphabitch, Day 4)
Thanks to daylight savings time I actually have an EXTRA HOUR to write today! And since I started NaNoWriMo a day early, it feels like I’m really ahead of the pack! WOOF!
Getting to Knooww Meeee… (Alphabitch, Day 2)
Today marks the official start of NaNoWriMo and my wise husband has warned me not to try to boil the ocean. “Just write a post each week, babe. Something manageable.” I know he’s right, BUT DOES THIS MAN NOT KNOW ME??! When I get an idea I don’t just run with it, I hoist it over my head and head for the hills! Some live their lives at a comfortable simmer, frequently I’m more like a full steam roiling boil. When I read that New York Times article yesterday I was like, “Oh. Okay.” But then the pot started to simmer, and it got me thinking of so many other things I’d done before. Like moving to Maine, or writing a cookbook, or having a baby, or trying out for roller derby when I’ve got a chronic disease that gives me vertigo. I don’t pretend to understand the way my mind works, I’m just a captive under its spell.