As some of you know, in addition to blogging here, I also run a low-sodium food site called The Daily Dish. I’ve spent years creating recipes, sometimes off the top of my head, other times jumping off something already published. I often go through cookbooks and websites looking for new ideas and inspiration. Whenever I adapt someone else’s work, whether slightly or significantly, I make a point of citing sources and linking to the original. It’s simply the right thing to do.
food blogs
Fore River Sanctuary Samosas with Mango Dipping Sauce

I don’t typically cross-post across my two blogs, preferring to compartmentalize my life (hah) but I’ve been so busy recreating this recipe I didn’t get round to writing anything else. So indulge me.
Portland Trails is holding a “Trail Gourmet” Recipe Contest and I won’t beat around the bush. I’d like to win. I thought long & hard about which of my recipes to enter, and while walking the Fore River Sanctuary this week it came to me. SAMOSAS. I’d created a fantastic low sodium recipe for samosas four years ago, shortly after launching The Daily Dish. While a little time intensive to make, these samosas freeze beautifully and would showcase one of Maine’s premier agricultural crops: Potatoes! Samosas are perfect hiking fare. Small and portable, yet hearty and filling. They’re a healthy meal in an incredible, edible wrapper. And they’re DELICIOUS – especially with the tangy subtle sweetness of the mango dipping sauce, which is easily toted in any lightweight lidded container. Double dipping a MUST! So if you’re craving something extraordinary the next time you head out on the trail, look no further than Fore River Sanctuary Samosas with Mango Dipping Sauce. Gourmet vegetarian snacks that pack a healthy, meal-like punch – NO SILVERWARE NECESSARY!