6 weeks ago, I started running. And since I’ve never shown any interest in running before, unless it was to a buffet or an open bar, you might be asking WHY??? Why would I decide to do something so out of character, so difficult, so UNLIKE ME?? Well..
Can I Help You, Ma’am?
For Christmas we bought our younger daughter a pet. Yes, I know. Pets are NOT gifts. Gifts are things you can exchange, or forget about, or give to Goodwill next week. Pets as presents? CRAZY TALK.
Jealousy is a green monster, and her name is Kiwi.
I am writing today to get something off of my chest, as well as my head and shoulders. Meet Kiwi.
The Call of the Blog
Hello. My name is Dishy. And I am a blogger.
Haters Gonna Hate. And Writers Gonna Write. About ELECTIONS.
Yesterday was Election Day. And like many American holidays, Election Day has become quite the commercial affair.