Thank you.

I know I spend most of my time being silly, b/c I am in fact a very silly person, but there are times when sincerity is warranted. And this is one.

Following my brief stint as your own Personal Cupid, I did – as part of my self-imposed contractual obligation, delete each and every one of the emails I was sent about cards. And that was, in a way, very unfortunate. B/c now – in this sort of weird, public-yet-cryptic email, I want to thank several people for their unbelievable sweetness to me. As of this morning I have received not one, but FOUR wonderful surprises from different individuals I have met through this blog. And let me tell you, it has taken my breath away.

And so I am posting a very public but very sincere greeting to each of you, because I want to acknowledge your friendship & generosity. I never imagined this blog would draw me close to so many wonderful souls, but it has, and for that I am very grateful. Each of you brings added joy and fullness to my life, and I am honored to think of you as friends.

SO I would like to acknowledge some people. And you KNOW WHO YOU ARE.

D.M. – I just wanted to say Thank you so very much. Your sweet note cheered my heart, and the stamps will help me pay my bills. PS: I hope your friend enjoyed the card! I did my best to write like a man. It was hard. I hope it faked her out.

H.T. – WOW. Two amazing things. Friendship and money. And thrift shopping. O-kay, that is 3 things. For which I THANK YOU SO MUCH!! AND not only for the money, which by the way totally ROCKS, but also for giving me such a valid excuse not to have to clean the house today, like I was going to. B/c I have to go out and spend my money while it is still warm. YOU ROCK!!!

To my wonderful friend T.C., who sent me a card all the way from the UK, with cut-out animal pictures too, B/c she simply IS that sweet. I love it!!!

And to my lovely friend E.C. – thanks so much for the adorable card AS WELL as for taking the time to relate the story of what happened, which I SO APPRECIATED!! I have spent so much time wondering about all those valentine’s & recipients. It meant a lot.

And so, just like the teletubbies, I send you all a BIG HUG!!!!!!!!!