Given that I just wrote a “fictional” tale of a nearly 45 lb. cat named Pudding Butt, you KNOW this got my attention. This article graces the front page of this morning’s Philadelphia Inquirer. In short, it’s the story of a 44 lb. stray cat just found in Voorhees, New Jersey. This cat is so big it has to ride in a DOG CARRIER. Sound familiar??? Animal shelter staff nicknamed the cat Princess Chunky, BUT I KNOW HER TRUE IDENTITY. This, my friends, is none other than Pudding Butt.

HAHAHAHAHA! Life really is stranger than fiction…oh wait, I see that was actually one of your tags!
Yeah, I think I would give that cat anything it demanded of me! He means serious business.
That cat has to belong to someone! We are trying to teach our cat to use a kitty door…I don’t think this feline could get his head through! Oh My Gosh…I’ll just bet you want him!!! You know you do.
Hayden, I could not make this stuff up – OH wait! I DID! HAHAHAHAHA.
Yes, Trace – Princess Chunk (aka Puddin Butt) does look authoritative. I would not be late w/ the vittles come feeding time, if you know what I mean.
And Lovely Connie, you KNOW that I do indeed want this morbidly obese animal all for my very own. If for no other reason than to hock my story to the networks! JUST JOKING! I bet this cat’s even better than an electric blanket.
whew! I’ve been looking all over the place for my “pudding butt” … hope she didn’t get used to Princess Chunky, we already have a cat named that.
; o }
now THERE is the pet i’ve been dreaming of.
Holy big kitty bat man! Could you write a story about how I get really really rich. Maybe it could come true as well! Pudding Butt’s name was changed to protect the innocent, I know its really her!
I really really really want this cat!! He’s (yes, it’s a he now!) so cute!! He’s more than twice the size of dearly departed, obese Blister! Incredible!!
Dearest Erika, MANNNNNY thanks for our 2 new Puddin Butts- to- be! You are the BEST. Love ya babe!
Curly, SEE what you could be caring for besides Ferdie??
Michelle I will get to work on a brand new story just for you! Once upon a time, there was a very nice woman named Michelle. Now Michelle was very sweet, but she was also very poor. This was b/c she was always hoping to strike it rich. And so she spent all of her money buying lottery tickets. Each day she would go to her job as a potato sorter, and each day she would spend the little money she’d earned on a scratch & win (but mostly lose) ticket. To no avail. Until one magical day, at the potato factory, she picked up a very special potato. A MAGICAL SPUD, which spoke to her through its one eye. MICHELLE!! It said. Oh pleaaseee, put me in your purse, and I will bring you good luck forevermore. And so Michelle, being a steadfast adherent to supernatural potato requests, stuck the russet into her bag. After work she went by the Salt & Pepper II where she always bought her lotto cards, and picked up the usual. But – this time – she WON. And I mean, WON. Big Time. $150,000. On the first line. And she and the potato lived happily ever after.
Laura, I have heard they found PuddinButt’s owner… no word on whether PB’s still up for grabs. Good luck! xo
I LOVE THE STORY!!! I am putting a potato in my purse and posting this on my blog….assuming I have permission?!
Michelle, you may OF COURSE share the story – it’s yours!!
PS: Feel free to share the love when you hit it BIG.