22 thoughts on “The Scenic Tour

  1. okay, you know i love you, right? i just have to tell you the following:

    a. ant and i just went through all the pictures. my progressive whimpering at the sheer amount of work turned into a wail by the time we were finished.

    b. ant was laughing and saying we could NEVER underake such a project. he mocked me, saying, “Nat, you’d run around waving your hands saying, ‘I CAN’T!!!’ and then run to Costco to look at the organization.

    c. i know it will be STUNNING when you finish (in 2,000 years).

    d. you guys have a LOT of stuff. a LOT. like a lot a lot.

    e. the bathroom looks great.

    f. WHO is doing all the work? i’d have bob villa on speed dial, and that’s no joke.

    g. i’m still reeling from the amount of work and stuff.

    h. the only home-improvement stuff we can do is PAINT.

    i. i’m almost half-way through the alphabet with my comments. i’ll stop now.

  2. I love the keeping room and main family spaces.
    I bet the girls ADORE having so much space to roam, dream, play and do all the things kids love. It will be fabulous when you are finished…call me then I will visit LOL The great thing about the work left to do is that you can put your stamp on it!!!!

    @Nat…you so crack me up!!!

  3. Thank you Christy for the tour on-line and previously when I visited. You and John have done a super job, and so much so fast! The house looks grande as you make it yours. I will ask my sisters to take a look. The work in progress reminds me of when we were young and our parents worked on the house, mostly when we were in bed out of the way. Boy, I marvel at your energy. Lost my physical get-up-and-go, over the years, but my imagination still does cartwheels. You’ve got it all- energy, imagination, and the kids’ anything-is-possible belief. That’s what the house needed; NEW ENERGY!!!!!!!!!! Again, you’re the best folks to sell the homestead to. I’m so glad we waited for the right family to come along. Kate

  4. Thanks Tracie! We love it too — pets included. 😉

    Oh Nat, I know you’re just being melodramatic to hide your JEALOUSY.
    a. does this mean you’re not moving in??
    c. thanks for the vote of confidence, k?
    d. I am reading between the lines and what you’re really saying is:

    i like your stuff a LOT guys. a lot a lot.

    ps: if you think we have a lot of stuff now, you should have seen before I weeded through it TWICE for these moves.

    pps: watch out. pets + kids = stuff + mess

    ppps: i never clean, that could be a factor.

    pppps: i didn’t even include photos of the BASEMENT and most of the attic. talk about stuff — you’d better break out the xanax for those.

    e. THANKS!
    f. WE DO, silly! Yes we can. Lay tile, stack wood, rip down walls, install windows, spray insulation, lift an 800 lb wood stove, open chimneys and MORE, we’ve done it and will continue to do so. Whatever it takes dude.
    g. Breathe, breathe, breathe. paper bag helps.
    h. oh, i forgot john also re-wired the circuitry and installed lights. oh, and he wired in the clothes dryer as well. the man is a superhero.
    i. quitter.

    YAY! I’m already done. I knew I’d get a hall pass for the next one..

    Thanks Connie! So positive and loving, such a kind & supportive friend, always looking on the bright side…. ARE YOU TAKING NOTES CURLY?>??>.

    Ooooh BOUNCY! I love you too. xoxox

    THANK YOU KATE!! Your words mean so much. We just LOVE this house!

  5. mssc54, you’re right. Ghosts appear when they feel comfortable in a person’s presence. I’m sure my sisters think I’m nuts BUT the last night I was staying in the empty house, alone, I had quite a conversation with them. They didn’t talk back but I felt the Spirits’ presence. I was scared to death, thinking I heard noises I never heard before. The house had never been that empty with us in it. Was anyone trying to break in to scribble on the walls or damage this peice of real estate we worked so hard to empty and prep for sale? Would we lose this real estate sale that would provide funds for our mother’s aftercare by an act of low life just getting their rocks off? I was alone, in the dark, sleeping on the living room floor. As I heard noises, the Spirits told me they were looking over me and this house, and I could go to sleep. I had a restful night and the next morning I left the homestead to return to my home and family, also here in Maine. I returned every two weeks to check on the house, and everytime I came through the door, I called out, “I’m home!!” At first I heard all the voices giggling and chattering in welcome to my company. The lonelier the Spirits got, the quieter they became so that I figured they’d moved out but now I know they still reside among the rafters. The ghosts will keep the new family safe as long as they don’t feel left out of the household circle. Christy, you can include the ghosts along with the rest of your lovely menagerie. They like animals. Kate

  6. Oooh Thanks Hayden! Must be b/c it’s FILLED TO THE BRIM W/ ALL OUR CRAP _ I mean STUFF – Isn’t that right CURRRLY??!! LOL

    Umm… I am sorry to disappoint you Mssc54… But that’s just dirt. and soot. and dust. I am a terrible housekeeper. I had to photoshop all the dustbunnies out of these house pix. It was easier than cleaning.

    Hiya Kate! So glad you liked the tour/s! I love all these stories, but please don’t mention these things to my kids or they will never sleep again. Thanks!

    Mssc54 – was that you driving by in that crazy ass van w/ the spinning whirlies on top??!

  7. This is cool. Most of what I get to renovate is 1900-1910, but I have gotten three houses that were 1810 to 1820. It was really a challenge and we dropped a lot of $$$. I love the painted wainscoating in the renovated bathroom.

    Have you seen the photos of my renovations? If not I will have to send you some. The historical society here allows me to modernize the kitchens, but limits me there. We battle about electrical and communiations upgrades all the time.

    Very impressive!!!!

  8. Hey MTAE — no I haven’t see any of your work, but would enjoy taking a look. Our old house was a Victorian. You can do SO MUCH when you’ve got the money.. sigh.. But lack of it does have its perks. If you’re willing to do the work, you can still get wonderful results. IF you have a little to invest in good materials & equipment. Anyway – thanks. Wish us luck!

  9. Christy don’t let the girls read my emails. Just let themm know, whenever they’re afraid when wind storms make the sturdy house creek, that Capt. Dole’s old servant Elias? is looking out for them. And what they’re hearing is him shuffling around making their home stay safer than any house in the neighborhood. He is a good ghost, a kind old person’s ghost. Kate

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