It was only a matter of time…

I love taking photos, and I love sharing them.  For the past 12 years, I’ve been using Menalto Gallery as a way to showcase my pics.  Gallery was a free, open-source photo platform that was GREAT (all caps) while it lasted.  But the kind folks who created and maintained it have sadly shuttered shop.  Gallery is no longer being supported, and over time the platform has become buggier to the point where it’s basically on its back with its legs in the air.  Translation: it’s deceased.

This is my photo gallery.

I’ve uploaded thousands of images and shared them on my website using Gallery.  I used to be able to log into the Gallery dashboard, click several photos at a time, and upload.  But the platform’s gotten slower with age and now it takes forever to upload anything.  The past year I’ve only been able to upload a single photo at a time.  Just one.  Otherwise I get an error and have to start all over again.  So uploading new photos takes hours.  And even after I’ve invested all of that time, some pics still won’t load.  Or their thumbnails are missing – and I have to go through the process yet again.  First deleting the dud image, and then reloading and hoping for the best. It’s been an ongoing frustration I’ve endured simply because I’ve loved sharing my photos.  But after 12 years, it’s come to an end.

Last week Gallery stopped working.  I was trying to upload a pic and instead of getting an error, the screen just went blank.  For days I was unable to log into the platform.  I’d try over and over again, and just get a blank screen.  And then, finally, I got in.  But Gallery is completely unresponsive.  I can’t upload any new images.  My photo gallery is frozen in time.  For the sake of continuity, I’ve decided to use THIS SITE as my new gallery!  I’ll be adding photos as the months go on, and hopefully, enjoying the process even more.  Fingers crossed!

0 thoughts on “It was only a matter of time…

    1. I thought about moving over to Flickr (I have an account from years ago) but I figured I’d just go ahead and use this site. It’s mine after all! – and highly under utilized!! hahah

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