A week into NaNoWriMo and I’m exhausted. HOW DOES ANYONE FINISH THIS CHALLENGE?
being nosy
“When I was a kid…”
I was at the beach the other day. It was cloudy and I didn’t really feel like swimming, so I sat and listened to the conversations of my neighbors. Because I’m nosy like that.
Feast Your Eyeballs on THIS!

My dear pal Curly is a woman of requests. Last month she made me disclose the world’s worst candy. Now she wants to take a peek inside my fridge. I almost shudder to think what she’ll be asking of me next.. BUT since we’re pals..
TAAA-DAAAAAHHH! OoOoohhhhh..Isn’t he handsome.. YES he IS! Before you get too jealous, though, I must confess. This is not MY fridge. No. It belongs to my landlord. But I pretend it’s mine. PS: If you want to store the contents of your lunch in MY fridge, you must ask first.
Let’s take a look inside..
As you can see, my landlord has quite a nice fridge. My husband & I like to stock it with fresh local produce and less local, but still altogether terrific, alcohol. Since we are no longer in West Philly, and I am no longer hosting a CSA on my front porch, we have now joined a new CSA here in Maine. It is GREAT. Except for the beets. Which are beautiful, but taste like BEETS. YIKES! I just noticed that *Smiling Hill* milk on the bottom shelf is no longer blue. What do I mean – BLUE milk? WELL. Up here in Maine, they sell Blue Milk. It’s called BLUEBERRY MILK! and it is unbelievably delicious. It normally looks like THIS (many thanks to Joe Shlabotnik):
And is a delightful purple-blue. But now that my blueberry milk has turned a pallid WHITE I am thinking that’s not too good. From the photo, it also appears to be separating. Oh my. Note to self: remove blue white blueberry milk. PS: remember to turn head while pouring out. PPS: Now that there is space; buy more wine.
Here is my landlord’s freezer.
YES, we do like ice cream! In fact, we LOVE it!! Except that spangly stars n’ stripes kind, which I can’t get my kids to eat. They do like those frozen fish sticks, though. YOU TOO?? Well.. I’ll ask, but I’m not sure they’ll share. You can always come over for some stars n’ stripes ice cream, though. Or a nice glass of milk.
See you soon!