It’s been five days of HARD WORK PEOPLE. Cranking out batch after batch of scrumptious goodies. Almond Butter Crunch at 9 am, elfin shortbread bites at noon. My yoga pants have never had such a workout in all their life.
BUT AS PROMISED, I am here to announce the three winners of my FIRST Annual Low Sodium Holiday Bake-Off. TA-DAHHHH!!!
Natalie (aka, CURLYWURLYGURLY) makes her debut today w/ Bratty Natty’s Berry Bars. We all know Nat brags about her lack of culinary prowess, but these little babies are FABULOUS. Many thanks NAT (and NAT-IN-LAW!)
Tracie has wowed me with one heirloom recipe after another. Look for her Grandma’s Old-Fashioned Peanut Butter Fudge tomorrow. Big on taste and short on work, this one promises to please even your pickiest PB lover.
And last BUT NOT LEAST, the lovely Lucille G. sent a stupendous recipe from her own grandmother as well. Lucille’s Lemony Sprinkles will shine on Wednesday. Light and ethereal, these simple sugar cookies are simply DELISH!
MANY THANKS to Nat, Tracie and Lucille for sharing such delicious treasures w/ the rest of us. You’ve all earned a treat — look for Lindt Chocolate arriving in the mail soon!
And for EVERYONE: Now through Christmas Eve, check back daily for another new holiday favorite on THE DAILY DISH!