A year ago I received a wonderful present. A “chocolate box” of 5 chickens! One white, 1 speckled, 1 blonde, 1 black, and an amber-colored Amercauna. The hens had mostly stopped laying and rather than dispatch and eat them, a friend kindly offered them to my husband to give to me as an anniversary gift. YAYYYY!
Roadtrip Hotlanta: The Conclusion!
Yes, I do realize it’s February 2016 and my trip ended last year. But I didn’t want you to think I’d forgotten about you. I really tried to blog from the road, but after 2 nights pecking posts onto my iPhone, exhausted from driving and my wonky ear, I said FORGET THIS. Road trips are supposed to be fun! So please just sit back, pretend it’s 3 months ago, and enjoy the ride.
The Reluctant Runner

6 weeks ago, I started running. And since I’ve never shown any interest in running before, unless it was to a buffet or an open bar, you might be asking WHY??? Why would I decide to do something so out of character, so difficult, so UNLIKE ME?? Well..
Jealousy is a green monster, and her name is Kiwi.
I am writing today to get something off of my chest, as well as my head and shoulders. Meet Kiwi.

For the love of Valentine’s Day (how an obscure blogger made Google’s #1 spot)

Did you know that in addition to being a low-sodium foodie, I also play CUPID to people from around the globe? It’s true! Sort of like Santa but with a far smaller suit, I spread my love of LOVE worldwide, thanks to the wonders of technology.