My sister has recently become engaged and I for one am getting WAY EXCITED. Not only is this going to be great for her. but also for ME.
SISTER: We are getting married!
ME: WOW! Congrats!!!
SISTER: Thanks!
ME: SOOOooooooo…… Are you going to have a wedding party? I mean, b/c if you ARE, then (ahem) you might like (cough) ME to be your (cough-cough) Maid of Honor, right>? Seeing as I asked you to be mine. and ALL. I MEAN, that’s only fair. Right>? No pressure. RIGGGHHT>>??
So after being asked so sweetly I of course agreed to be Maid of Honor. Or, in my case (since I am already hitched) – MATRON of Honor. I know what you’re thinking. Matron of Honor sounds like an old prune face having trouble making number 2. And I couldn’t agree more. But I am going to put the FUN in Matro(FU)N of Honor! YAY!
My first question though – what exactly does a Matro(fu)N of Honor DO? Sure. I get to stand up at the altar and look good. alongside my sister. But.. what else? My husband made a comment about the bachelor party a while back. And that got me thinking.. Isn’t that my job? Planning the bachelorette party>>? If SO. I have a feeling this Matro(FU)n of Honor role is custom tailored to yours truly. NOT that I am a pervy weirdo who likes baking penis shaped cookies or anything. But still. I think I could come up w/ some hooting fun for a group of intoxicated women. If the need arose.
Unfortunately. I live 1200 miles away from my sister. B.c of my freaky ear disease I don’t fly. So I fear this is going to make fun a little difficult to come by. I was going to suggest to my sister that she plan the party such that I can drive both ways out to Las Vegas (you know, like 2 weeks each way) but I think my kids might miss me a bit. And my husband might not like it. When he mentioned the bachelor party he had an impish little grin on his face, but then when I suggested I would be planning the bachelorette party, he looked a little surly. And then said something about how people nowadays really should be classier.
Does that mean this isn’t the best choice for my gown? They are getting married in HOTlanta, you know.