PAY IT FORWARD – The Winners!

Many thanks to everyone who entered to WIN! in the Pay It Forward this week. Big thanks to my older daughter as well for helping me undertake the highly scientific and 100% random *Picking it from a Hat* drawing this morning. SO. w/out further ado, the three lucky winners of a lovely handmade necklace are….

Around the Funny Farm, Daffy, and Curly.

Congratulations ladies! And to all those who did not WIN BIG! in this exciting offer. I offer my heartfelt condolences. I will be sending emails to the 3 lucky winners asking for your choice of bead color/s and mailing addresses. I am hoping to get these lovely necklaces to you ASAP, so please get back to me w/ your info as quickly as possible. Many thanks & HAPPY MOTHERS DAY everyone!!


Weeeellllll. How’s everyone doing?? ME TOO! It makes sense that my last post was about slacking, b/c it’s been two days and I haven’t been blogging – or even READING BLOGS – at all. Crazy! I know. And I am sorry. I have been thinking about everyone, but that whole “losing my dishwasher” thing really threw me over the edge. I am verrry pleased to announce however, that as of today, we HAVE A BRAND NEW DISHWASHER!!! And it is NOT ME!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would like to introduce Whirlpool 2. Look how beautiful he is!

WOW! My husband is HOTTTTTTTTTT. And the dishwasher is good looking too!

We did end up buying our new washer from Lowe’s. It was affordable (sort of) and did not leave me screaming inside anymore. So I am so happy. I did however end up having to wash a whole helping heaping of pots & pans.. Not good. I have a terrible time w/ dishwashing liquid b/c my skin is incredibly dry. I am going to have to moisturize like CRAZY to get them back to the level of suppleness they are accustomed to. It is HARD being a housewife, let me tell you.

SO. besides the whole DISHWASHER saga. Today was the first delivery & pickup for our CSA. For those of you unfamiliar with a CSA, it is a Community Supported Agriculture group, a produce co-op if you will, and it is AWESOME. A friend (HOLLA!! J.) and I are co-hostess-ing this year, and since she is away on vaca (hissssssssssss) I am taking the 1st half of the season. I met many lovely people today during pickup hours (and doesn’t THAT sound exciting – hah!) we got a whole delectable array of gorgeous organic veggies, including asparagus, portabello mushrooms and an assortment of greens. For dinner I made pasta w/ sauteed spinach and mushrooms, and it was FABBBBBBULOUS. Yum. Yum. YUmmmmm.

I wanted to remind all of you that tomorrow (or TODAY, depending upon when you read this) – FRIDAY, MAY 9th is your VERY LAST CHANCE to sign up to win a FREE NECKLACE in my (Curly-inspired) Pay It Forward. I am getting very excited to make those beautiful pieces and I am wishing you all the very best of luck at winning them. If you’ve yet to sign up, do so now. Time’s a-wasting! I will be drawing the 3 lucky recipients Saturday morn, once I have shaken off my beauty sleep and fed our huge cadre of animals. Woohoo. It should be lots of fun, since I am going to do a super high-tech *Picking it from a HAT* drawing. WOW. Until then, Good luck everyone!


A while back, my dear pal Curly decided to do something called a *Pay It Forward*. Now, I had never heard of this before, but the idea is that you make a homemade gift for a specified number of recipients, and then encourage said recipients to pass another kindness on to someone else….Sending a spiral of kindnesses rocketing out ad infinitum. Pretty sweet, huh? I thought so too. For her P-I-F, Curly sent me some really lovely handmade note cards, and it seemed like such a nice thing that I decided to undertake one myself.

(excerpted from Curly’s blog for simplicity – many thanks Curly):

Here’s how it’s going to work. I will create and send a homemade gift to three people who comment that they are interested in playing along. (The people will be selected through the random number generator if I get more interest than just 3 people.)

I have been making jewelry for 20 years, so I’ve decided to make beaded necklaces for my Pay-It-Forward. The necklaces will be handmade of imported glass beads, with a center drop pendant and silver spring ring clasp in back. They will look like this:

The one above has been done in an array of amber beads, but if you are selected, you will get your choice of any standard color, or even multicolors if you’d prefer.

I will allow entries until a week from today. So FRIDAY, MAY 9th will be your last chance. I’ll select the three lucky recipients next Saturday, May 10th. Good luck!