I am dog tired. Woke up this morning at 4:45 AM, couldn’t get back to sleep. Worked on a book I’ve started writing – fished out scraps of paper I’d jotted plot lines on, trying to piece them together. Worked on that till the kids woke up – found out my older daughter still has a weird rash on her belly plus her cold was worse, kept her home from school. The girls helped assist me in the kitchen for a while; finished two complete recipes for the site, plus photos. Still need to type all that up. Dinner, a new discovery DVD, the deadliest catch. Loving that one, Mike Rowe narrates. Put kids to bed, made a little more progress on the book, but am too tired to write or proof anymore. I have a headache. Bed now.
Like a cook book?
Howdy PI – if you were here I’d give you a cinnamon roll. This one’s actually a new short fiction piece and this morning I’ve made a little more progress. But the cookbook was a good guess – I’m always working on that. 🙂