The story:
I have inherited a whole boatload of pristine paperbacks from my sister.
She was moving, I was trying to be nice. She favors fiction, I like cookbooks.
The end.
Except now I have four boxes full of books I know I am never ever going to read. They are perched on one of our already-overstuffed bookcases and I am tired of dusting them. These books are lonely and long to be held. I have decided to do like my friend Curly, and turn this situation into a super fun CONTEST! From now until they’re gone, I will offer these books to a lucky winner – three at a time.
UP FOR GRABS in this inaugural contest:
1) The Girls’ Guide to Hunting and Fishing by Melissa Bank
2) A Ship Made of Paper by Scott Spenser
3) Little Children by Tom Perrotta
I cannot vouch for any of these books – I have not read them personally, but all 3 are in super shape, read only once by my smarty pants sister, and are now looking for a new good home. If you would like them, then please comment below. Entries will be taken through the holiday weekend to give people a chance to enter, and I will select the lucky winner via random number generator first thing Tuesday, May 27th. Good luck & many thanks!
A Ship Made of Paper looks like a Romance Novel. (Don’t get me wrong, I adore romance novels.) It’s just interesting because this author is a guy. I’ll file this under ‘thing that make you go hmm’.
i think people should have to write a haiku about why they should win. ahhahah.
i read hunting/fishing a few years ago…can’t remember it…guess it was just that good. 🙂
“A Ship” may be a romance — it sounded steamy to me.
As for the Haiku, that may be pushing it, but everyone feel free.
If no one wants these books, Freecycle Baby. I’m not West Philly moderator for nothing.
Christy– you need to read Girls Guide to Hunting and Fishing before you give it away! It is so good. I read a library copy. I thought it would be a Bridget Jonesie kind of chick lit, but it’s actually more serious and very good.
Laura, thanks so much for the heads-up. I really liked Bridget Jones. The movies anyway. I like that Colin Firth. Not as much as my friend MaryBeth, but I don’t think that is possible. Anyway, sounds like you liked this book even better that B. Jones? That is pretty darn good in my opinion.
I am not sure any of you actually want these books anyway. Are you just commenting, or are you signing up? If not, I’ll just keep them and – oh well. Another one bites the dust.