The story:
I have inherited a whole boatload of pristine paperbacks from my sister.
She was moving, I was trying to be nice. She favors fiction, I like cookbooks.
The end.
Except now I have four boxes full of books I know I am never ever going to read. They are perched on one of our already-overstuffed bookcases and I am tired of dusting them. These books are lonely and long to be held. I have decided to do like my friend Curly, and turn this situation into a super fun CONTEST! From now until they’re gone, I will offer these books to a lucky winner – three at a time.
UP FOR GRABS in this inaugural contest:
1) The Girls’ Guide to Hunting and Fishing by Melissa Bank
2) A Ship Made of Paper by Scott Spenser
3) Little Children by Tom Perrotta
I cannot vouch for any of these books – I have not read them personally, but all 3 are in super shape, read only once by my smarty pants sister, and are now looking for a new good home. If you would like them, then please comment below. Entries will be taken through the holiday weekend to give people a chance to enter, and I will select the lucky winner via random number generator first thing Tuesday, May 27th. Good luck & many thanks!