Then and Now.

Over the weekend my husband found an old real estate listing for our house.  It was so neat I wanted to share.  And to make it even more interesting, I’ve added photos of the same rooms now that we’re living here.  Photos THEN & NOW.

It’s fascinating how a change in furniture can alter the look & feel of a place.  Other than painting the hallway, everything else is the same.  The furniture of the THEN photos is so in keeping with the colonial period of the house.  It looks like a B&B to me; beautiful, classic and formal.  Our casual, eclectic style is reflected in the NOW photos.  Both so different, so individual.  I LOVE it!

0 thoughts on “Then and Now.

    1. I do too, baby — it’s so lovely the way you’ve decorated it. But I also love the way it used to look. It makes me very happy knowing we can preserve something so special. 🙂

    1. Thanks so much for saying so! I am quite partial to my daughters 😉

      My husband and I LOVE older homes. But so many are a poor fit for modern families — the rooms are too small, or are poorly distributed, no closets, very low ceilings, etc. This house was marvelously designed — the rooms are spacious, plenty of storage, normal/high ceilings, the most ingenious circuit design (I must post about that later) where all the rooms connect to each other and a central hallway. In sum, this house must have been THE SHOWPIECE of its day, and (in our minds at least) still is. 🙂

  1. I like both but love the “now” snaps best. Your home looks cozy and inviting. I especially like the snaps of your ghost daughter!

      1. I just noticed your church pew! We also have one in our front hall. It is from the church Husband attended in his youth. Our pew is from the late 1800s.

        1. COOL! Yes, we have three of those big ones – 2 in the dining room (as table seating) and one in the hallway. They came from a convent half an hour south of Portland. An amazing place right on the ocean, being sold b/c of the cost of upkeep. The nuns were so kind and gave us a whole tour. I’ll never forget it.

          We also have a much smaller pew in our bedroom, right in front of the window. The dog loves to sit on it and stare out at the turkeys!

          Your pew sounds lovely — POST! PLEASE 😉

  2. that is fun to see! With our house… the previous owners used almost every room differently than we do. Their guest bedroom is one of our kids’ bedrooms; their office is the other kid’s bedroom. Their sewing room is our master bedroom, their nursery/kid’s bedroom is our office, and their master bedroom is our sitting/dressing room. I wonder what they’d think (and I really wonder what the original owner from 100+ years ago would think!)

    I like what you’ve done 🙂

    1. Thanks so much Karen!! I love your description of your house vs. the former owners. Whereas our current house is very much in line with the former owners, your house sounds so much like our old house in Philly. I wonder if yours is also a Victorian?? With so many rooms, you have so many options! When we moved in we had a second kitchen on the 3rd floor, but ended up removing it. We changed everything so many times there — bedrooms moved from the 2nd to 3rd floor, We switched the dining room to the living room and then back again. Put in a family room on the 2nd flr. and then laundry too. Such fun! (and so much work!) LOL

  3. Christy’s daughter Maddy, that was my bed. Over the canopy rails was a thin canopy covering with hand-crotcheted lacy trim (trim made by my mother’s Southern aunt) around all 4 edges. The matress was hand made stuffed with horse hair. In the last 40 yrs, it was covered by egg crate foam to make the “worn hollow in the middle” more comfortable. Over-all, my high bed was quite comfortable and made me feel quite elegant. My kids considered their Mom to be quite the antique, too, because I grew up in the old house filled with “cool” antiques. You can bet they didn’t think Mom was ‘cool;’ rather, often, an embarassment, I’m sure. Not everyone got to live in history. I’m glad we girls did. Your home does not look formal but very warm with comfort and love. Kate

    1. Thank you, Kate, for such a vivid description. I read your comment aloud for all to hear. I think growing up in this house must have been wonderful for you and your sisters, and I am so happy for my girls to be doing the same. We love it so much here! 🙂

  4. Wait, wait. Aren’t what someone called your kids actually you? I’m fairly convinced that’s you in the footie pajamas and on the bed with the giant bowl.

    Anyway, what a lovely house in both its forms!

    1. Hah! I’ve have way outgrown my footed sleepers. Though I am very tempted each winter when I see them at Target. One day…

      Funniest thing – that big bowl beside Maddie on the bed was actually TEA. She guzzles so much of it, so fast, she’s given up brewing it in cups like the rest of us. To each their own. As for the house, he says THANKS!! 🙂

  5. I like the old charm of the “then” photos, but the “now” photos are my favorite. The rooms are so bright and inviting. Your eclectic style rocks, and your daughter’s bed is beautiful.

    1. Oh Tammy, so sweet of you to say. Maddie’s bed holds a very special place in my heart — it used to be mine, and then John’s and mine after we were married, and then Maddie used to squeeze in too. Yes, it was a tight squeeze! Thank goodness for cribs. LOL!

  6. I agree, Dishy… it’s interesting how dramatically a place can change depending on the style/preferences of the owners. Our lovely apartment home is rocking a ‘dust-n-clutter chic’ look at the moment… it’s stunning, really.

  7. Wowsa! Looks like a certain someone is living in my dream home. LLLLOVE IT! The before pictures, are lovely, but a tad stuffy- love your family friendly, funky and fun style. Bench in hallway = A+, plus that is one amazing wrought iron bed!
    I am a former Realtor by profession (before kids) and I also dabble in interior design. your house is a dream. If i didn’t adore you as much as I do, I’d be insanely Jealous!! I want to see more!!

  8. Yes I’m with Binky on the timber floors, beautiful & from the outside it looks like a huge house. 3 storeys WOW!!! I’d get lost & not be seen for days

    1. Yes it’s big but I think it looks even bigger from the outside. The attic takes up the top 1 1/2 stories but it’s still unfinished. So gives the impression of much more living space than there truly is — but yes, it’s big. I like big. 🙂

  9. Your house looks absolutely gorgeous! And how fun to find the old real estate listing. I’m having fun envisioning what my boyfriend’s condo is going to look like after I’m done with it . . . nothing like the “for sale” photos now, I’m sure! 🙂

  10. Let’s be honest – judging from that opening shot of ‘today’ – despite your best efforts – you are not going to appear in OK or HELLO magazine looking like that. What is that outfit!

  11. Love the house. It has a character and style to it. Older homes has a certain charisma that doesn’t match to any brand new home. Beautiful all throughout. Happy 4th of July celebration.

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