The Not-So-Little Match Girl

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Matches.  Matchbooks.  Matchboxes.

Tiny little nothings made to be used and thrown away.  So utilitarian most people don’t give them a second thought.

But not me.  I love matchbooks.  And I love collecting them.

By their very nature and design matchbooks are:

  • cheap, if not free
  • portable
  • practical
  • interesting
  • egalitarian

More than that, they are a piece of history.  One that is too quickly fading away.

Now that smoking is no longer in vogue, matchbooks aren’t readily available in most restaurants, hotels, and bars.  You just can’t pick them up the way you once could.

Finding matchbooks is, for me, a bit like pocketing treasures.

Every matchbook sets a mood.  Drawing us back to a place in time, to people we may have once known, and maybe still do.  Each matchbook triggers memories, remembrances of sights and smells forgotten.  Names and numbers, inked inside of covers.  Old flames.  Hidden in hand.

Oooh the nostalgia!  The endless fictions one can weave.  Such imaginings..

After 7 years here on WordPress, I feel the urge to try my hand at something new.  And what could be more fitting than something that fits in my hand?  So I’ve started a new blog – a side blog, so to speak – called Matchbook Momma; a place for me to document and share my collection of matchbooks.  It’s dedicated to preserving a piece of collective history that I find personally enchanting.  It’ll also be a fun way for me to take more photos via Instagram.  My first post is up now, new posts to be published daily.

If you too love nostalgia in this ephemeral form, join me!

Best wishes,
Christy (Dishy)
Matchbook Momma


0 thoughts on “The Not-So-Little Match Girl

  1. OH! And to circumvent questioning – NO I WILL NOT BE GIVING UP THIS BLOG. I still love wordpress and will continue writing here about anything and everything that comes to mind. Matchbook Momma is just a side project – something for me to enjoy daily w/out bogging down this already large site. Thx!

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