A week into NaNoWriMo and I’m exhausted. HOW DOES ANYONE FINISH THIS CHALLENGE?
Roadtrip Hotlanta: Day Two- Atlantic City
Longtime readers of this blog know all about my love affair w Atlantic City. But for the less familiar, AC and I have HISTORY — and I was ready to make more.
Roadtrip Hotlanta: Day One
Howdy ya’ll!!! Or as they say here in New England, Hello. I’m safe and sound in the great state of Massachusetts! It’s been raining all day off-and-on, but whatevs. I’m on VAcATIoN!!
The Not-So-Little Match Girl

A Trip Down Memory Lane: Rejected Houses Edition

This month is a big one for my family. Not only are we celebrating my older daughter’s 14th birthday (HOLLA!) but that very same day marks five years since we first moved to Maine!