Road Tripping

I’m in the process of planning a road trip down to Atlanta in November.  I haven’t seen my sister and her family in almost two years, and as my folks live just 20 minutes from them, it’ll give me the chance to spend some serious quality time with them all.  To say I’m excited would be putting it mildly.

To break up the solo drive, I’ve decided on 8-10 stops each way, visiting places I’ve always wanted to go, but never have.  And to pay for this venture, I’m using the remainder of the money I earned from my last cookbook, as well as selling the remaining copies I received.  For just $15, you can help me and help yourself!  Yes, you can buy it cheaper on Amazon.  But will you get a signed cookbook, lovingly mailed by the author herself?  HECK NO!

The DASH Diet 30 Minute Cookbook

I don’t make any royalties from my cookbooks.  None.  I was paid a flat fee for writing them.  I say this not to complain, but simply to explain why the sales mean so much.  Each book purchased from me is money that I actually see.  The lack of royalties is THE reason why I haven’t been updating the Daily Dish site.  It’s not that I’m not creating new recipes.  I am!  But I won’t be sharing them until I publish my next cookbook.  One with royalties!

If you value my work, then please show me your love.  I want to see my family, but I need to pay for gas, food, and lodging.  I’ve never done ANYTHING like this before in my life – a long-distance solo road trip with Meniere’s disease. ??!!  But I’m determined.  I know I can do this.  I WILL do this.

To buy a copy of The Dash Diet 30-Minute Cookbook, click HERE.  If you don’t have an eBay account and would like to purchase a cookbook, please send me an email ( and I can send you an invoice via PayPal.  For the price of a pizza (just $15!) you’ll be helping so much.  Thank you. :))

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