8 years ago today my sister got married!
Eight years ago at this very moment I was sitting in a salon chair getting my GLAM ON. My sister was beside me, and our mom, my daughters, and my sister’s mother-in-law, Marie. We were laughing. It was a hot day in Georgia (SURPRISE!) and they’d cranked the air conditioning all the way up, to ensure our makeup would be fresh, and our hairdos fluffy. But not too fluffy. After being properly primped, our party moved onsite to the “bridal hut” – a tiny room attached to the ceremony space. I remember my dad joining us, my husband popping in, and my daughters dashing out. Each time the portal opened someone would SCREAM! SHUT THE DOOOORRR!!!!!! With one fan and a lotta family, that room was like an oven. A mere mention of tension later, and we were whisked down the aisle. My sister, glowing in her gown, marrying my brand new brother-in-law. I’ve taken thousands of photos in my life, but this particular weekend I was too busy living the magic.
The lead-up to that big day was grueling. My mom was away on work, my sister finishing school, and I had to find a dress. It was STRESSFUL. But ooh what awaited us! A WINERY. Being Maid of Honor at a winery was (I won’t lie) way exciting. Even though I had to give a toast in front of all the guests (so many people) and I hate public speaking, I did it. It worked out great, in fact, because my sister announced the obligation like 30 seconds before the fact so I didn’t stress at all. Honestly, I don’t even remember what I said because I was already pretty hammered. We were at a WINERY. Anyway, the wedding was GREAT. Lots of the four F’s (food, fun, friends, and family), not to mention DANCING (holllaaaaa!!!) I don’t know about you, but I for one enjoyed myself thoroughly and I think everyone else did, too. And since weddings are made for memories, I will leave you with THIS….
One of the funniest stories of that weekend came not from the wedding, but before. A cousin had arrived early in Hotlanta, a day or two before the ceremony. He was staying at a hotel in the city. It’s early morning (like 6 am) and he decides to go relax in the pool. There are a few of those floaty type noodles laying around, he sticks one under each arm, and is half dozing in the water when he’s jolted awake by the sudden realization that HE’S NOT ALONE.

What he thought was just a scratchy noodle rubbing up against him was actually… a RAT. From what I recall, I think he screamed and jumped out of the pool, then called security. Or maybe just the manager? I forget, it was 8 years ago and the winery kind of blurs out a lot of what happened that weekend- pool rat included. Anyway, I think he got a free stay, or something? I sure as hell hope so. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, Jon & Suzanne!!!!!!!