Dear Diary,
How are you? I am tired. Although I went to bed early last night, I was awoken this morning, as usual, by the newspaper delivery person.
Dear Diary,
How are you? I am tired. Although I went to bed early last night, I was awoken this morning, as usual, by the newspaper delivery person.
A few days ago, I decided to start keeping a diary. I didn’t actually write anything down (I was binge-watching The Walking Dead at the time), but I made the decision. The next day I meant to start writing, but I’d gotten to the part where Rick comes back from “the dead” and that SOB Shane was making me so mad I couldn’t, and before I knew it, it was time for bed. Yesterday I meant to open my little journal, pen in hand, but then Lori apologized to Shane, so I knew he wasn’t long for this world. And sure enough, BLAMMO! So today is the day. Diary time!
I was going to get out the little notebook I keep in my purse, but then I remembered. Wait. I have a blog! Maybe I could use that. I mean, I never write anymore, and it’s not like anyone reads this. So here goes.
In a week I will be leaving for an extended out-of-town stay. As I don’t own a laptop, I’ve decided to try writing a blog post on my iPhone. So here goes. Continue reading
6 weeks ago, I started running. And since I’ve never shown any interest in running before, unless it was to a buffet or an open bar, you might be asking WHY??? Why would I decide to do something so out of character, so difficult, so UNLIKE ME?? Well..
For Christmas we bought our younger daughter a pet. Yes, I know. Pets are NOT gifts. Gifts are things you can exchange, or forget about, or give to Goodwill next week. Pets as presents? CRAZY TALK.