I was at the beach the other day. It was cloudy and I didn’t really feel like swimming, so I sat and listened to the conversations of my neighbors. Because I’m nosy like that.
What Do I DO When Twitter is a TWAT?
In 2011, I joined Twitter to promote my low-sodium recipe site, The Daily Dish. I chose the handle “DailyDishTweets.” Here’s a screenshot from 2014 from the WayBack Machine:
Hey blog friend! It’s me, Dishy. If you’ve been worrying about me since my last painful post, wondering whether I have recovered from the loss of my former parrot, Kiwi, the ingrate, let me just say: I am okay. I’ve been coping well since Kiwi abandoned me without a word, and I am not harping on it, at all. In fact I hardly think about her, like ever, whether she’s met someone new, who looks like me, but will never be me. I mean, AS IF. After giving her the best 10 years of my life, acting like her damn slave, and…
Roadtrip Hotlanta: The Conclusion!
Yes, I do realize it’s February 2016 and my trip ended last year. But I didn’t want you to think I’d forgotten about you. I really tried to blog from the road, but after 2 nights pecking posts onto my iPhone, exhausted from driving and my wonky ear, I said FORGET THIS. Road trips are supposed to be fun! So please just sit back, pretend it’s 3 months ago, and enjoy the ride.
The Not-So-Little Match Girl