40 turkeys in my backyard

A while back I posted about our Turkeys.  WELL.  Apparently wild turkeys LOVE snow.  b/c right now it’s coming down in droves, and there are (I kid you not) FORTY wild turkeys in our backyard.  How great is that?!

But here’s the trip.  John just went out and – as well as scattering seed, left a big bowl of food in the middle of the yard.  After all, these turkeys daily gorge themselves at our overflowing feeders.  You’d think they’d delve right into a bowl, right?  HAHAHHAHAHAHH!!

Catching up.

Many, MANY thanks for all the well wishes.  I am finally feeling normal again, thank GOD.  This episode was particularly bad.  Normally the dizziness lasts about a week, this time it was more like 10-11 days.  Being me (read DAMN STUBBORN) I basically try to do everything I normally would.  Which – being home most of the time – is usually o-kay.  I can rest between laundry, kids, pets, chores, etc.  When the spins get overwhelming, I lay down.  But Thanksgiving on spin cycle…?  What a trip.  I spent the day in the kitchen, of course.  WELL – It was that or… what?  Try finding a low sodium holiday meal anywhere on a NORMAL day, let alone one when everything is closed.  SO I PERSEVERED.  Being (as I mentioned) stubborn as hell – as well as halfway insane, it didn’t much matter how sh*tty I felt.  I was going to conquer Thanksgiving or die trying.  The results were divine.  I tried several new recipes this year, including a low sodium cornbread stuffing, baked squash & apples, and whipped sweet potatoes.  Which, if I get my act together, I’ll post on my other DAILY DISH.  Stop laughing.

SO. Before the pity fest, I’d been discussing our latest home improvement project.  Re-tiling the upstairs bath.   Here’s the before shot.

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Welcome to our next project!

Re-tiling the upstairs bath.  A before shot:

upstairs hall bath

Not bad, huh?  Unfortunately, the 50s asbestos tile is falling into serious disrepair, particularly adjacent the tub.  The bath mat hides an awful lot.

bath mat masking ISSUES

beneath the mat the floor is falling apart

Several of the tiles are cracking and the bathroom sub-floor is beginning to rot.  My husband & I don’t want to risk more serious issues arising (like stepping out of the tub and falling through to the first floor vestibule).  Although we have a lot going on, this floor is getting worse by the day and cannot be put off any longer.  Lucky for us, we have already done the downstairs bath w/ mosaic tile, an inaugural project which was much more involved.  This bathroom should be a breeze by comparison.  (Famous last words.)

We only have the one tub, so we need to get this project done QUICKLY.  In our favor: It’s cold now, so we have a few days before we all start to smell.  Against us: we are going to need to bathe by next week.  Bottom line: We’re going to have to PUSH this project over the weekend.  Today’s agenda?  Removing the old tile.  And, once my husband returns from his day job, replacing the floor if necessary, and laying the backer board.  We’ve selected 12 inch black & white ceramic tile to replace what’s currently there.  Stay tuned for progress reports.  Wish us luck!

The writing’s on the wall.

Today we’re going to continue the wall theme — w/ a tribute to Dole House graffiti.  A mixture of old & new.

attic writing 1

attic writing 2

Upstairs in the attic, scrawled on the chimney plaster.  And on the attic beams.

writing on attic beam

Downstairs in the keeping room.

writing - keeping room

more writing - keeping room

behind the fridge

And in the kitchen.

kitchen graffiti

Downstairs in the basement there are signs.

basement signs

And yesterday – in addition to the dead rodent, I found writing behind the wall.

writing - dining room

What I found when I ripped down my wall.

I’d planned on discussing more chimney stuff today, but I got too involved w/ work, it’s now 8pm and time for wine.  So I’ll just show you what I found in the wall.

BACKGROUND: A major reason John & I were able to buy this house is b/c two rooms on the first floor need to be restored.  One room is more complete than the other, but basically both need floors. and either partial or full reconstruction of the walls.  We have sketched out a plan for the first of these two rooms – which just happens to be the one needing more work.  Of course.  I spent the bulk of today working on Room #1.  This will be our dining room, once it’s restored.

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