What do you do when there’s nothing left to do? When you’ve exhausted all options, done all that’s possible, and yet desperately ache to do something?
I wish I knew.
What do you do when there’s nothing left to do? When you’ve exhausted all options, done all that’s possible, and yet desperately ache to do something?
I wish I knew.
Yes, I do realize it’s February 2016 and my trip ended last year. But I didn’t want you to think I’d forgotten about you. I really tried to blog from the road, but after 2 nights pecking posts onto my iPhone, exhausted from driving and my wonky ear, I said FORGET THIS. Road trips are supposed to be fun! So please just sit back, pretend it’s 3 months ago, and enjoy the ride.
Longtime readers of this blog know all about my love affair w Atlantic City. But for the less familiar, AC and I have HISTORY — and I was ready to make more.
Howdy ya’ll!!! Or as they say here in New England, Hello. I’m safe and sound in the great state of Massachusetts! It’s been raining all day off-and-on, but whatevs. I’m on VAcATIoN!!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jK-NcRmVcw&w=420&h=315]
The weeks of eager anticipation end tomorrow.. when I set off on my trip! WOOHOO! My bag is packed and after last week’s $745 investment in front brakes and 3 new tires, my car is ready too. I’ve just been finishing up the little odds and ends left over after tackling big stuff (the travel equivalent of “broom sweeping” on move-out day) and handling the unanticipated weirdness that drops by to say HOWDY! before you head out for a month.