You might not know this about me, but years ago I worked as a recorder for the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. And by recorder, I don’t mean the musical instrument “played” by 3rd graders. I mean recorder, as in someone paid to attend important meetings at classy hotels, tape closed-door conversations, and later transcribe every salacious detail. As far as jobs go, a real peach.
All booked!
Dear Diary,
In the weeks since my last post, I’ve fleshed out the entirety of my upcoming road trip: attractions, hotels, restaurants, even a few thrift shops I want to hit. I found an old journal in a drawer upstairs and knowing no one would miss it, ripped out the first few used pages and made it mine.
I ❤️ Technology
Dear Diary,
Today I am writing to you on my iPhone, and instead of complaining about the tediousness of typing thoughts with two fingers (technically one finger and a thumb), I will instead marvel at the wonders of technology. How amazing is a smart phone?? I mean, I can watch The Walking Dead, post on my blog, take photos, talk — via text, voice, or video to people anywhere in the world, and even look up ways to get rid of cat pee smell. And it fits IN MY HAND. I am so very grateful to live in this cyber age.
Road Tripping
I’m in the process of planning a road trip down to Atlanta in November. I haven’t seen my sister and her family in almost two years, and as my folks live just 20 minutes from them, it’ll give me the chance to spend some serious quality time with them all. To say I’m excited would be putting it mildly.
Breaking news: Insane woman sets fire to muffler-less jalopy
Dear Diary,
How are you? I am tired. Although I went to bed early last night, I was awoken this morning, as usual, by the newspaper delivery person.