The Attic Project

Our attic is BIG, roughly 1600 square feet, and rises 1.5 stories above the rest of the house. When we moved in 9 years ago, it was filled with all sorts of stuff. Built-in cabinets and shelving, semi-framed walls, and lots and lots of flies. The space had served as a workshop and storage area for the former owner whose fondness for collecting left it filled to the brim. Wood was everywhere; stacked in piles, propped against surfaces, arranged on the floor. Honestly it was hard to see the forest for all the trees. Here’s what it looked like in 2009.

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Happy New Year!  Happy NEW YEAR!!!!~**!!!**~!!! !!!  I would bang pots and pans, but I’m too busy TYPING.  SO.  2018!!  You’re here!  The year I’ve been dreaming of the past 18 years has finally arrived and I’m both giddy and nostalgic. 18 years since I made my first human.  18 years and I’ll soon be the owner of an adult!

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