
Our first Halloween in the new house! HOW EXCITING. I’ve heard rumors it’s going to be fun. My children tell me I may even see some .. FREE CANDY! Could it get any better?? Why yes. B/c this year I am going as an accessory to my younger daughter’s costume. That should guarantee me candy. As long as these new neighbors aren’t giving out TOOTHBRUSHES. or pennies. SHeeesh.. So what are you going as this year? PAULA DEEN?? WOW.
I spent a couple hours yesterday assembling Maddie’s costume. Normally I’d have made her do it, but frankly it beat painting. Let’s all hear it for THE ROBOT.
If anyone is interested in making one of these at home, you will need:
2 boxes; 1 larger for body, 1 smaller for head
aluminum foil
tape (regular scotch tape works fine, you can also buy fancy aluminum foil tape at Lowe’s)
scissors & cheap knife or box cutter
assorted reflectors, reflective tape, letters/numbers, stick on doodahs
patience and sense of humor (not sold in stores)
This project will take anywhere from 45 minutes to a day to complete, depending on your level of skill & anal retentiveness. It took me 2-3 hours. Proof I am neither skilled nor severely retentive. To begin, Cut the bottoms off both boxes. Carefully cut a circle out of the top of the larger of the two boxes, large enough so your child can stick his/her head through comfortably. Next, center the smaller box on top of the larger one, open side down (remember, this is the head), and tape down well. I found strapping the tape across and sealing at the bottom helpful. Reinforce around the edges as needed. Next, cut eye holes and arm holes as desired. Then cover both boxes completely with aluminum foil for that shiny metallic effect. Remember to reinforce around all of the holes so that you don’t have any rips or tears on the Big Night. If you have $10 to spare I suggest splurging on the aforementioned metal tape b/c it makes this project a breeze. It is sold at Lowe’s or Home Depot in the paint section w/ the rest of the tape. I also picked up an empty paint can there for Maddie’s goodies – I think another $3 or $4 bucks. Once the whole thing is shiny, time to decorate. Use your imagination! I didn’t have time for that so I opted for stick on stuff I bought at Lowe’s. The reflective tape, etc. is just a couple bucks, so again no big investment. You will find it in the aisle w/ house numbers and bathroom signs. Today: finishing Georgia’s (and my) costume/s. When you’ve got as many moving boxes as we have, these things just come to you.
Friends will only let you play the “I’ve just moved, how can I possibly get anything done” card for so long.
When the bodacious Pans of Steel tagged me for a meme several days ago, I put it on the back burner of my mind… and moved onto the next box. But the proverbial pan went up in flames when I was double-dog dared by the greatest doodler this yonder side o’ the border, Rambleicious.
FORTUNATELY for us all, today’s post kills 2 birds w/ 1 stone.
Since I’m doing this b/c “I have to” I will not be adhering 100% to the rules. Here are the rules:
Just remember to thank (or blame) those 2 for “making me”
1) I am not 100% sure what a meme is, or even how to properly pronounce it. Meeeem or mimi? And if the real point of this is just to talk MORE about oneself..What makes this different than the rest of one’s blog?
2) We just got cable TV for the first time. I have been a hold-out for so long, I hardly know what to say. Other than my husband made me.
3) Cable TV is 2% good stuff, 97.9% crap and .1% infomercials.
4) I am now fascinated by several infomercial products, thanks to my new cable service. In particular I would like a SHamWOW! and a PedEgg. If anyone has ever used either w/ success or failure, please comment below.
5) I have tried going to CVS twice now to buy a PedEgg, but my husband swears he will NOT allow me to cheese grate his oversized heel callouses off.
6) I want a PedEgg more than ever.
7) Do you really think that ShamWOW! can pick up a bucket of cola like it did in the infomercial?? I am thinking not, but I’d like to be proven wrong.
8) Before we moved, my older daughter was talking up the vacuum-sucker bag thing – you know, the one where you store your comforter and pillows in a trash bag and suck all the air out, reducing it to the thickness of one wafer-thin mint. I even saw one in the store – I think Home Depot, but I thought better of it.
Okay, now I am going to pick some people to force this on too (onto?). I pick Curly. She is the only one – but she counts for seven b/c she’s been tagged at least that many times. YOUR TURN GIRL/DON”T FIGHT IT.~!
Since I didn’t get round to sending out cards this year – or photos for that matter, here are my belated greetings. I actually considered buying discount cards the day after Christmas, but frankly what’s the point. Now that I’ve reconciled what used to be a bank account, I am WAY GLAD I got those 5 calendars for half price.
Sooooooo what have you all been up to these past 2 weeks…..????????
REALLY:: You don’t say// NOOOOO???!! WOW.
Me?? WEeeeelllll. We went to Hotlanta for the holidays. And it was HOT. WELL. Not really, but it was warm. On Christmas afternoon we went walking, the sky was gorgeous blue and we didn’t have to wear coats, let alone mittens, hats and scarves. Though my sister gave me a sweet hat for Christmas – which I LOVE. Kiwi REALLY likes it too.
We had a grand ole time w/ my family. We played Trivial Pursuit and discovered that the official language of Latvia is LATVIAN. No fooling. Then we played Bingo. It was fun, but we all agreed it would have been better if we were playing for money. We drank wine. LOTS OF WINE. Now that my 2008 Wine Challenge is officially over, I am having difficulty giving it up. I blame it on the kids. No. Really. Each time I go to stock up, the clerk eyeballs me suspiciously. Like WHAT THE HELL”S THIS SEMI-ATTRACTIVE WOMAN DOING WITH TWELVE BOTTLES OF WINE??! I always mention my children. And the clerk, without fail, nods knowingly and asks to carry the box to my car. SO. I am loath to stop drinking. But what with the economy and our depleted savings, let’s face it. I am going to have to cut my consumption altogether or switch to TRULY cheap hooch. My husband kindly left some adult juice boxes in my stocking. Thanks babe.
BUT don’t think you weren’t on my mind too. I thought of some of you particularly whilst we made our hellishly long 28 hour car ride there and back. We passed exits for Raleigh (Hayden), Greenville (HellCat) and finally Columbia, SC (Connie). I considered swinging by for a spontaneous visit, but thought you all deserved a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We are not exactly at our Ellingsworth best after so many hours in the car. Especially after dealing with the endless stream of Left Lane Charlies. And by Left Lane Charlies I of course mean those persons who man the left lane ONLY. Neither speeding, nor passing. Just passing the time. talking on their cell phones. Conversing w/ passengers. DRIVING A U-HAUL AND TOWING A CAR. Along the way we did find time to buy fireworks, mostly b/c I Insisted and was at the wheel. We set some off last night and MAN OH MAN was it fun. My favorite was Halley’s Comet, which made a loud BANG and shot fire balls skyward..and then streetward..toward our neighbor’s car..after the package fell over. Fortunately, as our neighbor was still out of town, NO HARM DONE.
And so here we are home. And it’s the new year. WOW. My husband casually mentioned last night that 2009 marks 20 years since he graduated high school. I nearly snarfed my wine. OH MY GOOOOODDNESSSSSSSS. 20 years. HOLY CRAP WE ARE OLD.
And on that note. Bottoms up.
So how was your weekend..? Oh. Me… nothing much. Seeing as I’ve been housebound since Friday with an insidiously insane hacking feverish flu, well. You can just imagine what my weekend was like. Staring at the walls.. while my beloved family flitted out for a movie, fun with friends and OH YES a birthday party too. While I sat in bed eating an entire chocolate cake. It was SAD. Fortunately, in my hours of whiling away time on the internet, I discovered the BEST THING EVER! and I am not joking. If you, like me, enjoyed those segments of Mr. Rogers where the postman would bring videos of factory tours, then you, like me, will be AMAZED. B/c on youtube I discovered the BEST SHOW EVERRR next to Dirty Jobs w/ Mike Rowe, and it is called HOW IT’S MADE. Discovery Channel is simply the best channel in the history of the world. And I found there is a British version of this show as well. Which probably came first, since we yanks have a tendency to steal all the very best Brit TV and make it our own. While never making it quite as well. ANYWAY. I learned How they make Ice Lollys (popsicle ice cream bars) and jelly beans and jelly (gummi) worms. How pre-cooked bacon is manufactured, and how factory chicks are produced (cruelly). How commercial cheesecakes are mass-produced (one of the best EVERR), and how to re-tread truck tires (awesome). How padlocks and condoms and HOT DOGS are made. Oh My Goodnessss. I LOVE THIS SHOW!!! It’s a good thing we don’t have cable. or I’d never leave the house.
HERE is the show on how they make Pasta. It is worth 6 1/2 minutes.
Now. Having watched this, how do YOU pronounce the word PASTA??
[polldaddy poll=1135018]