MY MOMMY. I have mentioned her before, b/c she is the reason I am here. WELL this Saturday MY MOMMY is coming for a spontaneous 3-day visit and I just have to say I AM SOOOOO TOTALLY PSYCHED!!!! We have planned a weekend of fun!fun!FUN!! and even if we hadn’t we would have FUN anyway. B/c THAT is how it goes with my mommy. SO this week I am pretty darn busy so I don’t have to do jack when MY MOMMY is in town other than have a rocking fun time, and also I have to CLEAN the house which you know I hate but it is o-kay b/c it is for MY MOMMY>!!
I didn’t want you all to think I wasn’t thinking of YOU TOO, So here is a random list of facts about yours truly. PS: JUST 4 DAYS TILL MOMMY!!!!
1) Right now at our palatial West Philly estate we have 2 adults and 2 kids. We also have 3 cats, 1 dog (@ 150 lbs he counts for several smaller animals), 1 bird, 1 rabbit and 5 fish. Deceased 2007: 1 hamster, 1 bunny, 1 guinea pig, 3 fish. Given away due to crappy personality in 2007: 1 macaw. Forced eviction in 2007: Village of the Damned (aka, our mouse infestation). My older daughter is now BEGGING us for Hammie #2 for her bday (almost here). My husband is FIRM. No more animals. I may have to sneak one in. This weekend we will have an extra adult too b/c MY MOMMY WILL BE HERE!!!! Yay! YAy! YAY!!
2) Yesterday it was 65 degrees here in Philly. Gorgeous. We rode bikes last night to the library. The kids ride in a big plastic hitch attached to my husband’s bike. It looks like this:
Yes, they do look very cute. It is called a Tot Tote but they do not really qualify as Tots. I would not feel very comfortable toting true tots through town to the library b/c I think they might fall out. But that is just me. We had a very nice time.
3) I do not recommend eating high fiber breakfast cereal and Lentils & rice on the same day unless you do not feel like leaving the house.
4) I get lots of hits on this blog for very weird things. Some of the odder search terms this past week:
- i fantasize about my cleaner
- daily hammie
- dank basement cubicle
- “asked me out” train
- funny dead man in cubicle photos
- animal copulating movies (I get a LOT of variations on this)
- how to get off with someone for the 1st time
- cows heart recipe
- making me happy making me whole
- groundhog maze
5) I am a Libra and although I do not believe in astrology whatsoever, as a child my mommy had a Baby names book I used to love reading – not sure why. But it had a section in the front or back on “signs” and I was always fascinated by the description of my “sign” b/c it was by far the BEST.
6) My daughter is watching an episode of Tom & Jerry right now and one character just said “Don’t worry, I’ll hold onto you like a fat man to a donut.” Also, he keeps referring to one of the other characters as “Tubby.” I think this is definitely fat-bashing.
7) Last night we sampled a new wine. It was a brand of Japanese plum wine. I have had one before at our favorite sushi place, but the one we had last night was AWFUL. It tasted like alcoholic fruit syrup. Of course I drank it anyway. I will not be recommending it to anyone though. I had a very tough time getting up this morning. I told my husband that our friends were driving our daughter to school, but really we were supposed to. So he was very confused. I stayed in bed. and slept off that terrible plum wine that I do not recommend. to anyone. evr.
8) My daughters & I love this video. HAPPY DAY EVERYONE!!
Yeah for visits with mommy
I know you said the plum wine you had last night was not good, is there any plum wine you would recommend? We had these plum martini’s awhile back at a sushi place and I would love to try and duplicate with a good plum wine and saki.
i would like a ride in the tot-tote.
lucky your mom comes to visit–my mom acts like i live in timbuktu (i’m an hour away) and won’t visit.
-YAY to Momness!
-I am totally stoked to try an Apricot Wine. The Plum wine we tried was SO STRONG and anything more than a sip was too much.
-That’s a cute lil’ video. What is it? Looks surprisingly like anime.
-Oh, and TAURUSES are the best.
OrSo – We were drinking Gekkeikan Plum Wine. The bottle says it is delightful but it is lying. I did not find it delightful – not at all. I did of course drink it. 1) B/c it was the last wine we had in the house. and that is the kind of wino I am. and 2) B/c once I drank the first glass I didn’t notice how bad the next one was. I would not recommend it. Perhaps you could search online – or try a different one at the wine store. Either way – good luck!! And if you find a good recipe, please pass it along and I will give you props on my site
Curly – I am sure you would like to ride in the Tot Tote. It IS SO COOL. Everyone giggles when we ride by and I know THEY ALL WANT TO GET IN. I am sorry to hear that your mommy neglects you. That is so sad. But at least she did not move 800 miles away to be with your sister. like my mommy did. Don’t you love me anymore, Mommy? Can’t you hear me crying?
Hayden: YAY!!
I too would like to try apricot wine, won’t you please send me some? I will be your best friend.
The video is a collaboration between Pos from De La Soul and the group Mint Royale. Don’t know who does the video but it always reminds me of Hello Kitty – of course I cannot fathom why kitty gets eaten at the end. I guess that’s just life. No?
I will be sure to stear clear of that one! I’ll let you know if I do come across anything good