11 thoughts on “2008 WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONS

  1. tell me that’s john’s head!!!!!!!!!!

    ps. i’m eating crow this morning. mmm, mmm. good.

    pps. remember, i predicted the phils would blow it in the 7th game. oopsie. this is why i don’t bet on sports.

  2. I had the exact same thought as CWG about where exactly that “P” might be….

    I’m not a big baseball fan these days, but I’m happy that you’re happy! Woo hoo!

  3. I can be big enough to say Congratulations to the Phillies, even tho I think it was dirty pool to freeze the Floridians into paralysis! I bet all those poor Tampa guys have pneumonia now!

  4. Lovely head! I am glad you are happy! Tell me Dishy have you received a prize in the mail yet?
    Postal service is screwin around with my Halloween tricks and treats.

  5. THAT’S JOHN’S HEAD ALL RIGHT!!! I painted the P on this morning in Sally Hansen #85 (Diamonds & Rubies – OF COURSE). What better way to greet the day?! Congrats to all you smarties for figuring that out so quickly!

    Curly, STICK TO POKER. And that crow better be on a hoagie roll w/ provolone & fried onions.

    Thanks Carrie! The whole city’s gearing up for the big parade tomorrow. WOOHOO!

    Hayden, it’s lucky the kids were at school — I was ready to paint a P on everyone.

    But of course Laura! You should have heard us last night — The AIR HORNS were in FULL FORCE!!

    Thanks Trace!! They don’t call us Philth-a-delphia for nuttin.

    CONNIE, OH MY GOOOOODNESSSSSS> I have some choice words for you. DARLING Sweetheart, MY LOVE. You are truly the BEST. I will write much more later, but for now – THANK YOU from the very bottom of our hearts. xoxoxoxoxo

  6. Thanks Spidey!! YOU TOO!

    PS: I have seen a lot of your little clones round here lately – am expecting at least 17 to show up tonight. When do you find time to drive that truck???

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