Early Morning Rising.

7 days since my last post.  On a good note, my kids are healthy and have returned to school.  On the flip side, I am either getting a cold or beginning to suffer from allergies.  Hard to tell which.  Being new to Maine, I’m probably susceptible to “foreign” pollen or something.  But I’m also just plain beat.  Keeping baker’s hours is no picnic.  I used to despise coffee.  Now, DAY 6 of JAVATHON! and I am consuming it with a passion I once reserved solely for booze.  My husband is enjoying the novelty. I am enjoying the bUZZZ.

Yet despite all best efforts to caffeinate myself, I am still almost perpetually tired.  And, unfortunately, a portion of this fatigue is simply beyond my control.  That’s right folks.  I have a problem.  A serious problem called apartment living.  I managed to escape this dreary fate for 8 glorious years, but now I am trapped.  For the next 3 months, or maybe even longer… If someone will not BUY MY HOUSE!!!!! OOHHHH PLEEAASSSSE.  PLEEEEAAASSSSEEEE.  WON’T YOU??? It is soooo PREEEETTTTY and I am asking SOOOooooOOOOO NIICEEEEELLLLLYYYY.

SO. IN SUMMARY.  Sleep cut short by my new employ = GOOD.  Sleep shaved off by my living circumstance = BAD.  We would up and move, but as we’re already strapped w/ 2 mortgages, a boatload of debt, a signed lease, 2 kids in school, pets out the wazoo, yada yada blah blah blah… we’re not going anywhere.  Don’t get me wrong.  I love this apartment.  LOVE IT.  The place is fabulous.  Sunny, spacious, a stone’s throw from school.  Great neighborhood – a little yuppie for my taste, but still. T-rrific.

But living on the 2nd floor of a 3-story house means we have neighbors.  UPSTAIRS neighbors.  Who seem nice and all, but keep completely different hours from us.  We are a family w/ 2 children in school.  They are 2 singles w/ night jobs and/or a penchant for partying.  A sit-com in the making?  Perhaps.  But NOT REALLY FUNNY.  Our neighbors come home late.  MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT late.  Our bedroom is right next to the stairwell; our headboard literally beside it.  My REM sleep is being broken several nights each week – sometimes twice a night.  And when I go to bed close to midnight and have to rise at the crack of dawn to bake, those hours are PRECIOUS.

But all of that — the noisy entrance, clomping up the stairs and door slamming I would take.  Willingly.  If the dude above me would simply stop having sex.  My problem in a nutshell?  His nut sack.  Tackle box.  Wild willy.  His pelvic thrusts worthy of GUINNESS BOOK FAME.  YOU HEARD ME.  My neighbor’s penis is getting on my NERVES.

What people do behind closed doors is their private business and theirs alone.  AT LEAST IN THEORY. Problem is, theory went out the effing window when it moved into a 2-bedroom apt below Sir Humps A. Lott.  Our first morning here we thought we were witnessing a freak earthquake.  I hadn’t heard anything about earthquakes in Maine, but hey, they happen everywhere, right?  WRONG.  That was NO EARTHQUAKE.  That was a taste of things to come.  My husband and I began noticing things – subtle at first, and then downright HARD TO MISS>.  Like when we felt the whole damn house shaking.  When our headboard began whacking itself against the wall.  Our dresser contents began shifting and our door threatened to break off its hinges and go cascading down the hall.  You see, Humpers likes to do the deed every couple days for a whole heaping helping of time.  And since he’s such a night owl, you can guess who’s UP when we’re NOT.  1, 2, 3, 4, 5.  I’m not counting, those are just his hours.  But it’s not consistent.  Oh no.  That would be too easy.  He likes to putz around for a while.  A creak here – a creak there — juuuuuusssst enough to wake you from SOUND SLEEP.  Then, right when you’re about to nod off again – BANG!  BAM BAM BAM BAMMMMMMMMMMM.  Which would be fine, if he would just FINSH THE HELL UP ALREADY.  But no. NO.  That goes on for – who knows how the hell long.  I have lost count.  Meanwhile, I am laying there, TRAPPED beneath my upstairs neighbor, trying to ignore THE WHOLE DAMN ROOM VIBRATING.. it’s unbe-f*cking-lievable.  A woman should be able to retire to bed, make sweet love to her husband, and go to sleep — NOT TO BE AWAKENED BY THE UNTOWARD ADVANCES OF HER UPSTAIRS NEIGHBOR IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT.  I feel like going up there and hosing him down.

But what can I do??  Really?  Not much.  I can joke, but laughter only lasts so long.  We can’t switch rooms w/ our daughters. b/c that’s just plain wrong.  It doesn’t help to sleep on the couch.  Not enough room for me AND my husband, and besides — Humpers damn ass shakes the whole front of the house, couch included.  We can’t up and move.  To break the lease would cost too much money – which we don’t have.  And it would be nearly impossible to find another apt in the school district which would take lease breakers with a zoo.. Seriously.  We are stuck.  My dad suggested slipping the Humpenator a sticky bun laced w/ saltpeter… “That’ll keep him from rising for a while..” But I think that’s cause for legal action.  I cannot imagine trying to have a conversation w/ this person about his sex life.  He can do whatever he wants in his own apartment. SIGH…. For once, I am completely at a loss.


My kids are home sick.  YEP.  Both of them.  Home.  WITH ME. Allllllll daaaaayy looooong.  Of course they’re not sick enough to stop fighting or asking to go to the playground. This morning they were plenty well enough to fly out the door to the front porch and start digging in their beloved dirt bowls.  When I suggested they put their clothes on and return to school, they of course started coughing and immediately came back inside.  Now they are wrestling on the couch and making mouse houses in the living room.  Mouse Houses is code language for tents made out of blankets and sofa cushions.  They like to hang out in there, watching movies on the laptop.  One of the tents is the “library” where they rent the movies.  The other is the theater.  As long as they’re not beating the hell out of each other, fine by me.

SO. Day Two of Sick Fest.  TWO DAYS.  If that isn’t enough to make you reach for the theraflu, nothing is.  Unfortunately I hate that stuff.  HATE IT.  Unless it says 100 proof w/ a skull and crossbones on the label, then it’s just wasting my time.  But yesterday. I had to do something.  By 10 am the ladies – sick or not – were going fisticuffs, my throat felt like hamburger and my sanity was waning.  I resorted to the only homeopathic treatment available.  Tea w/ honey?  A steamy hot bath?  NO.  2 pepsi throwbacks and hope for the best.  Fortunately I fell asleep.  Unfortunately, I feel asleep face down into the pillow with the bird on my head.  By mid-afternoon when I awoke, the duvet cover was unmentionable and I will not comment on the state of my hair.  From now on I’m sticking to alcohol.

I spent the remainder of yesterday finishing a wonderful book (THE HUNGRY OCEAN by Linda Greenlaw) and browsing the AS SEEN ON TV website.  The former was excellent, the latter not so much.  But both were remarkably entertaining.  Just look at some of what I found.


I have no idea why that image IS SOOOOOO DARN LONG EITHER!!!! BUT if that dog isn’t thinking JUST YOU WAIT, BUDDY I don’t know what’s what.  And I’d be pissed too! if some crazy human made ME pose w/ a big bag of crap dangling just inches from my face.

Look at this poor woman.



Frankly folks, if it was a choice between life w/ the bandana necktie or death by heat – you KNOW which one I’m picking.  Plus, after watching that Independent Lens special last night on gang warfare, I was reminded of the whole “Colors” thing – you know, the Crips vs. the Bloods, Blue Vs. Red.  What if you stumbled into the wrong turf with the wrong color dingus lasso round your neck?  That could get ugly.


BOY-YOING-YOING!  Welcome to the advert for HEART TOPS Nipple Covers.  NOW. I don’t know about YOU, but it sure makes ME feel more secure knowing I can buy stickers for my nipples.  I MEAN there is such a thing as SHOWING TOO MUCH in this day and age.  When I go topless, sometimes I feel a bit self-conscious.  Or when I’m wearing one of those painted-on shirts, YOU KNOW, the ones that leave the hooter horns on high alert ALL DAY LONG, sometimes I feel… well, a bit embarrassed.  BUT Having those heart-shaped nipple stickers!  WHAT A LIFESAVER!! 


The AMAZING handheld Bug ZAPPER! Environmentally safe… UNLESS YOU’RE A BUG! HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHH!!!!!!!!  Oh. wait.  They’re serious. The Bug Zapper electrified tennis racket kills on contact.  FUN, SAFE, EFFECTIVE.  BOY THERE”S SOMETHING FOR THE KIDS.  I can’t WAIT to see what kind of litigation comes out of this one.

PedEgg – the NEW family pastime!

Last week, an anonymous donor (really Curly Wurly Gurly) made our day by sending us a very special package.

It arrived so innocently.. WHAT COULD THIS BE??


And then.







The first scrapes made us all a little nervous — would it hurt??


NO WAY! The PegEgg is (as they say) “so gentle, it won’t even pop a balloon!”  Soon we were in PEDEGG FRENZY!!!!!




My children and I were fighting tooth & nail to be the next to scrape off Daddy’s heel callouses.  Talk about FURY!  I’ve never seen such scrambling (especially by CHILDREN) to get at a pseudo beauty product in all my life!   And the fun didn’t end there – oh no.  Because in between scrapings we rallied to be the next to OPEN the PedEgg and gaze in wonder at all the little skin bits.


Talk about sensation!  Even though most of them had fallen into my lap like so many sloughed off snowflakes, we were still AMAZED by how truly captivating the whole process could be.


Our only criticism?  The PedEgg is “so safe & gentle, it won’t even pop a balloon!”  SERIOUSLY.  NOT that we were looking to leave John footless, but the PedEgg took FOREVER to get even the barest amount off.  We were tempted to try the cheese grater.

Next up?  Someone please send us the SHED-ENDER!!


The Grind.

I have a confession to make.  Since moving to Portland, I’ve met someone.  I know, I know!  I am a Hussy.  It’s not like I went out looking for it – really – but when it’s there in front of you, day after day after day, and you have a real NEED (if you know what I mean).  Well.. not to make excuses, but even the strongest willed woman may eventually cave.

It started out so small.  A mere flirtation.  I looked down and there he was.  Waiting.  I knew it was wrong, I did.  But no one was around.  John, the kids – they’d gone to the park.  And he was so ready, and willing.  It wasn’t like I’d forgotten what it’s like.  I’d had experiences when I was younger.  I know how careful you have to be.  It can get so noisy, and there’s always the risk.. of losing part of yourself.  But I wasn’t going to let that happen.  I wouldn’t get hurt.

Now he has me.  I’m hooked.  Even though I know it’s wrong, and I don’t even know what’s happening half the time, I don’t care.  Things start piling up around me, I feel overwhelmed, and like magic, he just makes it all go away.

I can’t keep it a secret any longer.  [Don’t be shy – let them see you]  Everyone, meet



I know when you read this, you will be shocked.  Outraged.  INSANE with jealousy!  And I am sorry.  But now that I’m living in an upstairs apartment, with no compost bin around, no garden to tend, and designer blue trash bags that cost a fortune to fill, it was only a matter of time.

I’ve been tagged. TWICE.


Don’t I look THRILLED? That’s me in the green.

Friends will only let you play the “I’ve just moved, how can I possibly get anything done” card for so long.

When the bodacious Pans of Steel tagged me for a meme several days ago, I put it on the back burner of my mind… and moved onto the next box.  But the proverbial pan went up in flames when I was double-dog dared by the greatest doodler this yonder side o’ the border, Rambleicious.

FORTUNATELY for us all, today’s post kills 2 birds w/ 1 stone.

Since I’m doing this b/c “I have to” I will not be adhering 100% to the rules.  Here are the rules:

  • Link to your original tagger and list these rules in your post.
  • Share 7 facts about yourself in the post.
  • Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names and links to their blogs.
  • Let them know they’ve been tagged.

Just remember to thank (or blame) those 2 for “making me”

1) I am not 100% sure what a meme is, or even how to properly pronounce it.  Meeeem or mimi?  And if the real point of this is just to talk MORE about oneself..What makes this different than the rest of one’s blog?

2) We just got cable TV for the first time.  I have been a hold-out for so long, I hardly know what to say.  Other than my husband made me.

3) Cable TV is 2% good stuff, 97.9% crap and .1% infomercials.

4) I am now fascinated by several infomercial products, thanks to my new cable service.  In particular I would like a SHamWOW! and a PedEgg.  If anyone has ever used either w/ success or failure, please comment below.

5) I have tried going to CVS twice now to buy a PedEgg, but my husband swears he will NOT allow me to cheese grate his oversized heel callouses off.

6) I want a PedEgg more than ever.

7) Do you really think that ShamWOW! can pick up a bucket of cola like it did in the infomercial??  I am thinking not, but I’d like to be proven wrong.

8) Before we moved, my older daughter was talking up the vacuum-sucker bag thing – you know, the one where you store your comforter and pillows in a trash bag and suck all the air out, reducing it to the thickness of one wafer-thin mint.  I even saw one in the store – I think Home Depot, but I thought better of it.

Okay, now I am going to pick some people to force this on too (onto?).  I pick Curly.  She is the only one – but she counts for seven b/c she’s been tagged at least that many times.  YOUR TURN GIRL/DON”T FIGHT IT.~!