Where do babies come from…??
A Trip Down Memory Lane: Rejected Houses Edition
This month is a big one for my family. Not only are we celebrating my older daughter’s 14th birthday (HOLLA!) but that very same day marks five years since we first moved to Maine!
A turkey named Wilbur.
A normal person who moved into a house where wild turkeys wandered the backyard might be inclined to ignore them until they went away. A normal person, once these turkeys disappeared, might describe the parting as fortunate. But since moving into our house, replete with flock of wild turkeys, my family and I have done our darnedest to bond with these big birds.
Ever wonder what you’d look like as a bird?
Maybe not, but I have. Living with a wonder-conure named Kiwi, as well as 4 lively chickens, I think about birds a lot of the time. This past weekend my family and I were tooling about Portland (MAINE) when we came upon the funniest portrait ever.
The Versatile Blogger Award
I feel a little like a Swiss army knife. Not because I can pull a third arm out of my side, nor lift my right leg over my head and lock it into place behind my ear. BUT! because my dear blogging bud IT (Island Traveler) has awarded me my very own VERSATILITY AWARD! Huzzah!!