I CAN SEEEEEEE YOUUUUU. Really! Now put some clothes on.

YES I KNOW it’s Thanksgiving! I am full too, but I’m not sitting around in my flesh-colored bodysuit. SWEATPANTS PEOPLE!! It’s what they were made for.

I just wanted to take a moment to do something – apart from the whole yogurt tasting – that I’ve been meaning to do for some time. We all know today is meant to be a day to count our blessings. For each of us to stop a moment and say LIFE IS GOOD. Well. Now that I’ve been doing this blog for 14 months, I think it’s about time for me to devote a post to things I am thankful for, like

YOU. You are a friend and/or stranger who somehow stumbled upon this blog. Perhaps you were looking to buy a vacuum. You like Gus the Pennsylvania Lottery Mascot. You shun dog clothes and ass shorts. and dolls named Cloe. You have 18 year old towels. You ride your bike on the sidewalk – or, conversely, want to round up all sidewalk riders and place them in internment camps. You let your dog poop in the woods and enjoy camping. YOU LOVE EASTENDERS!! You enjoy nature. and photography. AND WINE. You live in an old house. You’ve won money GAMBLING! Or, You’re trying to quit smoking. You lost your hamster – and then found it. OR, you’re looking to get rid of DEAD MOUSE SMELL. You’ve done the craziest things EVER for the love of pets. You think the way you drive speaks VOLUMES. You are a crazy cat lady at heart! You LOVE being a momma. AND your friend is giving birth at home. You’re wild about Valentine’s Day. You’re learning to sew. You NEVER get your mail. AND You just found an x-rated animal cracker while watching TV w/ your kids.

HOWEVER YOU GOT HERE. THANK YOU for being a part of The Daily Dish.

This blog is me. and I am it. It’s where I like to be and it looks like all of my dreams.


THIS IS LIFE. Round past bedtime at the BEST BUY kind of life. You can tell by my tired eyes and less-than-tame hairdo, I am looking forward to a glass (or three) of wine. My older daughter is still snapping photos and my other daughter is half asleep. My husband is… shall we say.. NOT AMUSED?

THIS IS ME. in all my unglory. And yet you keep coming back to read all about it. A Philadelphian. A woman who feels guilty throwing away perfectly good underwear, who thinks her feet are the most underrated appendages on her body. Someone w/ a freaky ear disease who runs a low sodium recipe website. An unapologetic and unabashed wino, wife and mother, who is grateful above all else for my family, my health, and my sense of humor. Who has found a world of acceptance and friendship simply by opening up through a blog.

For all the amazing people I have met here. Who make my world a happier place, and life all the fuller. For each and every one of you, I give thanks.

11 thoughts on “GIVING THANKS.

  1. mwah, woman! you are an unending source of mirth and merriment in my dull little life. i give thanks that you somehow stumbled upon my blog all those whiles ago (or did i stumble on YOUR blog?).

    you’re the bestest…and the only thing that could possibly make you better would be a DAILY post from the DAILY dish. but i know you have a life…so i won’t pester you about it.

  2. No, thank YOU! You’re a blast, and a soft-hearted sweetie too. I think I came in on the foot post, or some where along there, now I gotta have my (not quite) daily DISH! Your little one is a riot in that hat… is she sleeping under there?

  3. I’m a bit late getting here.

    Hope your Thanksgiving was as awesome as ours was. We had THIRTY SIX in attendance.

    BTW your hubby does a remarkable Bruce Willis “Die Hard” impersonation! 😉

  4. MTAE – LOL!

    Hayden, could you BE any sweeter?? Thanks babe – DITTO.

    Pans of Steel: DITTO NO. 2. Thanks babe. I will try to be around more, promise. PS: Send me your addy NOW.

    Hey Jenefur! Thanks so much! Hope you had a wonderful weekend too.

    Well Curlsy, let me think…. I believe I stumbled on your blog all those months ago.. I felt bad for you b/c you seemed to be LONGING FOR AN AUDIENCE. The sheer force of genius & hilarity in those posts about teaching ESL students and playing poker with the elderly captivated us all. And LOOK at you NOW! With a fan base of MILLIONS. You’ve come a long way baby. I couldn’t be prouder. xoxoxox

    I love it TOO!! Thanks so much for making me your spokesmodel. I am HONORED. PS: You are paying me for this right??

    Thanks Trace!! YES I remember your shock & awe over that ode to my feet. I recall you really got hooked after the underwear post. HAHHAHAH!!

    WOW, Mssc54! That’s some group. We had a table for 4 at a restaurant in Vermont. NO COOKING FOR ME THIS YEAR! It was marrrvelous. PS: I will pass the comment along to my hubs. One woman spent an entire Bar Mitzvah raving to John about his movie star looks. I would have been jealous were she not in her 80s.

  5. You make that hat look fantastic. Of course Hunter (my son) wants to know who the lady in the folger (yes just like the coffee) hat is! I love your blog and am thankful to read it!

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